KESH contributes for a clean lake
Calendar Announcement 21/08/2017

Korporata Elektroenergjitike Shqiptare with regards to its social and environmental commitments has generally been engaged in activities related to the cleaning and protection of the environment. The next initiative of KESH was to clean the region from Lake of Fierza to the village of Dushaj where the lake of Koman is located. Besides the director of Fierza HEC, Mr. Ergys Verdho, also the Armed Forces and the Minister of Defense, Mrs. Mimi Kodheli participated in this activity. 

Mrs. Kodheli emphasized the importance of these lakes, not only for the production of energy but also for tourism. She appreciated especially Mr. Verdho for his commitment in such activities and his invitation done to Armed Forces and Ministry to attend this important activity. 

Mr. Verdho explained that this was one of many such activities that KESH sh.a has organized for the purpose of protection and cleaning of the environment. 
This activity will continue in near future for the deposition of the wastes in Bushati Landfill