In the framework of the implementation of the first phase of the Skavica Hydropower Plant project, the autumn and winter environmental observations have already been completed on the ground.

These studies were conducted within the process of Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) and aim to identify potential impacts of the project on the environment and identify measures to be taken to avoid, minimize or address these impacts.

The ecological study is currently being conducted in the field and the study of the existing social situation of the project area is also being completed.

All the studies mentioned above will be part of the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Report (ESIA) which is expected to be completed in the third quarter of this year, and then will be consulted with all stakeholders through meetings and public hearings. Comments and opinions received during the consultation process will be further reflected in the final ESIA report.

For more information or questions about the project you can write to the dedicated email address: